Plain blocked Tofu
….Soy… How in the world did soy get perceived in such a horrible way…. the most common thing I hear is how soy causes man boobs, breast cancer or that it is just bad for you. This has been misinterpreted to the extent of steering people away from a food that truly reduces many diseases and makes a wide variety of awesome meals. This isn’t just a crazy “vegan” food, actually it is a food staple in many foreign countries. For thousands of years it has been a key component in diets across the world, leading to longevity and lower risks of obesity and diseases. So then the question is, how did America start to perceive it as an enemy?
Isoflavones and Phytoestrogens seem to be a concern among people who know a thing or two about soy. The two main Isoflavones found in soybeans and soy products are Genistein and Daidzein. Genistein has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially breast, prostate, colon, and skin cancers. Daidzein has shown similar anticancer effects. The more studies that come out, the more we see the benefits of Soy consumption. Soy allergies are fairly low, making up around 5 percent of infants and most cases go away into adulthood. Personally, I was never breast feed and my mother actually fed me soy milk since I was a baby. I still eat soy to this day and have never had any problems.
Blocked tempeh cut into strips
Edamame (soy) is actually a bean that is the most common crop vegetable. Although I would like to say it is good for everything, livestock has to be one out of that category. Livestock actually consumes the highest amount of our soy crops, leading to health issues for them, down the line of course leading to health problems for humans. Since we do feed them to our livestock (cows that are hundreds of pounds), we have come up with many ways to mass produce the crop, using chemicals and farming practices that aren’t sustainable. This has created a wide spread panic and fear of the once healthy soybean. With the rise in GMO soy, comes the rise of allergies, diseases and inadequate nutrition due to nutrient depletion in the soil then the food. So at the heart of things, soy is extremely healthy and could play a very positive role in most peoples lives! I hope you can look at soy from somewhat of a different light. I will explain Tofu & Tempeh which are the most common soy options in America. These are a perfect healthy option of soy for when you get started!
Homemade BBQ Tofu
Here are the 2 most common Soy options
Tofu: One of my favorite ways to eat soy besides just eating the beans! This is an awesome alternative for anything. The texture can be changed in many ways from soft and mushy to solid and crispy. A simple 1/2 cup of tofu (94calories) can yield 10grams of protein with 6grams of health fats, and about 40% of your daily intake in calcium & iron!! Making it very nutrient dense while being extremely filling and satisfying.
Korean BBQ Tempeh Sandwich w/ Sweet Potatoes
Tempeh: The fermented version of soy beans, containing millions of probiotics to aid digestion and improve gut health. The texture is a little more stable, being a hard crumbly type texture. Perfect for burgers or making a delicious marinated tempeh steak! Tempeh tends to have a little higher fat and protein with a 1/2cup (160calories) equaling 15 grams of protein and 9 grams of healthy fats. Tempeh is also high in calcium, magnesium, B-6 and Iron!