Strengthen Your Immune System With Exercise

by | Jan 21, 2021 | Fitness, lifestyle

It has long been said that the closest thing we have to a miracle drug is what nature has already provided: Exercise. It’s no secret that we collectively are dealing with many health crises. Obesity rates have been increasing steadily since the 1980s, and today obesity is considered an epidemic which carries increased risk of heart attack, cancer, and more. It’s about more than just weight, though. The human body is designed to be physically active, and a lack of activity as we spend more time sitting and less time moving brings about muscle atrophy and increased rates of depression, fatigue, and anxiety. Your body is deeply interconnected and a healthy immune system is necessary for physical and mental wellness. Likewise, physical and mental wellness promote a healthy immune system. Let’s dive into just how exercise can strengthen your immune system. 

The Brain’s Part

Exercise has been shown to have immediate, positive effects on brain functionality; specifically, acute exercise has been shown to immediately stimulate production of important neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Neurotransmitters are an essential part of a healthy immune system. Your immune system relies on neurotransmitters to communicate with the brain and rest of the body. Have you ever noticed that when you are particularly stressed, anxious, or depressed, you’re more likely to become sick? This is, in part, due to neurotransmitters’ role in immune function. By stimulating their production you make your immune system stronger, and this is known to happen after each bout of exercise. 

The Physical Response

The dangers of sitting include heart problems, high blood pressure, and poor circulation. In contrast to this, exercise promotes healthy blood and lymph flow. Better circulation means that your immune cells are moving around more quickly and efficiently. Dr. David Nieman, Professor of Biology at Appalachian State University, explained that better circulation helps immune cells find pathogens and eliminate them sooner. His research suggests that regular moderate exercise both helps your body’s immunosurveillance as well as reduces the risk of respiratory infection (tip: that might be handy now!). Multiple studies have been done to support these findings. This is notably linked more to ongoing exercise habits. 

The Mental & Lifestyle Impact

While the immune system benefits physically from exercise, the health benefits extend into quality of life. When you exercise, you’re challenging yourself to grow, to push through specific kinds of pain, and to become more self-aware. This creates both mental and physical stamina and teaches your body to be more efficient. Additionally, consistency in exercise builds good habits and teaches self-control and intentional living. Altogether, regular exercise positively improves your lifestyle through intentional behavior modification and endurance. Careful, though, side effects of regular exercise include confidence, security, and optimism! 

Exercise has many benefits for health and wellness. It specifically and directly improves your immune system both in the short-term and over the long-term. In these strange times, we are not powerless over our own health and wellbeing. Even though you may not be able to get to the gym (and we miss you in Tacoma!), you can stay active and be intentional with your fitness. You’re worth it.