Why We Warm Up: All About Warmups

by | Sep 30, 2021 | Fitness

If you’ve ever spent any length of time at the gym or in a workout class you know about warmups. But how important is warming up, really? A lot of people forego warmups altogether, so they can’t be that important, right?

The reality is, warming up and stretching are just as key to your workout routine as proper technique and endurance. 

Why We Warm Up

Warming up helps get your muscles primed for a more intense exercise. It kick starts you nervous system, protects your bones, and helping you do better overall. Stretching and warming up help to reduce your chance of an injury during your workout, and can help you get a better workout by increasing mobility and flexibility. 

When we move, our body tissue literally warms up. When muscle tissue is warm its far less likely to suffer injury during intense use. 

Types of Warmups

Not all warmup routines are created equal. 

There are different types of warmups and pre-workout stretching routines that you can utilized based on the type of workout you’re drying to get. 


A Ballistic warm-up involves lots of intense movement like bouncing and jerking. Ballistic stretching is used to increase rate of motion and muscular strength. Think of someone stretching to touch their toes. To make this stretch ballistic, you would bounce your arms and torso towards your foot. 


Dynamic warmups are great pre-workout moves you can make to get your blood flowing and prep your muscles and joints for a workout session. These moves focus on mobility and strength 


Static ‘warmup’ movements are actually best for a post-workout cool down. These moves flex and stretch muscles, helping to loosen you up while building strength. These moves are great for unwinding and preventing muscle soreness post-workout (If you still get sore muscles after an intense session, get our tips for dealing with muscle soreness!). 

3 Warmups to Get Going

Here are just a few classic warmups that can get the blood pumping and help you prep for your next workout!

  1. Arm Circles: Arm Circles help to release tension in your arms and shoulders. This helps prevent should injury, especially during weight training and other intense workouts that put strain on shoulders. Stand  with your feel shoulder-length apart and stick your arms out to your sides. With your arms, make 1 circles going forward, focusing on moving your shoulder. Repeat going backward. For an added effect, start with bigger sweeping circular motions and slowly get smaller with each revolution. Repeat 3x.
  2. Knee hikes: Our hips can get tight, especially with all the sitting we’re doing nowadays. Start with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Bring your right knee up and hold it at a 90-degree angle. Rotate your knee in a circulation motion 10 times, then repeat on the left side. 
  3. Plank walk out: Planks are a great warmup that get the blood flowing and activate key muscle groups. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward and place your hands in front of your feet. Begin to walk your hands forward into plank position. Hold for 3 sections, then walk back till standing. Repeat 10x. 

If you’re looking for a gym in Tacoma where you can become the best version of yourself, get connected at Organically Grown Muscle today!